How do you become a GAME CHANGER?
When you donate $100 or more, you become a GAME CHANGER.
What does this donation do?
When you make the GAME CHANGER donation, you are adopting a cancer patient from our JOY MAIL LIST for a year. You are also purchasing a cancer course sign that is placed on the course of ENDURE THE DIRT to recognize the patient.
Why do we need GAME CHANGERS?
As of today, we have over 700 patients on our list. It costs anywhere from $7-$12 a patient per month. When you figure the amount of money it takes to provide JOY MAIL, it ranges depending on postage between $3500-$6000 a month, and that is if our list stayed at 600. The sad thing is that we receive a new patient almost every day.
How do I make a donation?
Making a donation is simple. All you have to do is click on the donate button. You can donate $250 or more in one donation or you can set up for your donation to be drafted monthly. We also have a Venmo and CashApp- Personal Pep Rally
Joy MailWhat is the JOY MAIL LIST? The JOY MAIL LIST is a list of cancer patients that receive JOY MAIL once a month from PERSONAL PEP RALLY. The CHEMOSABE SISTERS package these gifts of motivation and kindness. The CHEMOSABE SISTERS are a group of women who have all had cancer or have cancer. They write a handwritten note that is placed within the package. As of our most recent count, we have over 437 patients on our list. These patients live in over 80 towns in Arkansas, 34 states in the United States, and we have 2 patients in Canada. We also send JOY MAIL to those who lost a loved one to cancer that was on our JOY MAIL list. How do you put a patient on the JOY MAIL list? All we need is the name of the cancer patient and their address. The patient is then placed on our list and remains on the list until someone removes them. Send all patients information to passonjoy@gmail.com
ScholarshipsScholarships are given to High School Seniors who have been affected by cancer. Application Form is due by June 1 of the year of high school graduation.
Christmas AssistanceWe help during the holidays to provide Christmas to several families that are battling cancer and can’t work because of it.
Making a Memory TripWe raise money to send a family on a Making a Memory trip (this is just like a Make a Wish trip but for adults.)